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Check your email inbox

You should receive 2-3 emails from The emails should include your receipt and a special email telling you how to access the course. You will have to sign up for the course on our course host, 

Join Our Facebook Group

Our Facebook group is a great place to ask questions and meet other printable, planner & digital product sellers. Click here to join now!

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I have an affiliate program. Sign up and you’ll make 50% of every sell you refer to me. Log into your customer account for more information. Click here to log in! 

have you purchased plr templates from us?

All of our templates can be found by logging into our site membership area. Click here to log in! 

Our Mission

At Cherie La Vie Designs we strive to help you make every day a slice of your best life with physical & digital planners. Are you a business owner? Check out our templates to help you make gorgeous materials for your business.

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