Calling all new planner & printable shop owners!

Are you struggling to grow your email list and make sales?


Learn my tips and tricks for success

Sign up today to find out how I added over 2100 people to my email list in just under 6 months. During this pre-recorded training, I will tell you all of my secrets and strategies that helped me explode my list and generate consistent revenue.


does this sound like you?

You've been told that the money is in your list, but you're stuck when it comes to growing.

In under an hour you will learn my strategies to…

So that you can start growing your list quickly and start generating passive income.

Don’t stay stuck spinning your wheels trying to figure it out all alone! Join me live and get all of your questions answered.

Are you ready for results like this?

Here's what you'll learn

create a welcome sequence that wows

Your welcome sequence is crucial to keeping folks, learn how I create welcome sequences that give your customers a quick win.

Nurture your audience by being your authentic self

Never run out of things to say when you show up as your unique, beautiful self.

Organize your email list

Learn the basics of tagging customers in Convertkit to make sure the right people get the right emails.

Collaborations will help you grow

Collaboration is the key. I will spill the beans on how to find key collabs to grow.

Hi I'm Cherina, your instructor!

My email list is my single most valuable asset as a #plannerboss.

I’m the founder of Cherie La Vie Designs. When I first began my business, I avoided starting an email list. I was too nervous about being seen as salesy or clogging my customers inboxes.

Then I discovered that emailing was all about a mindset shift. I realized I actually wanted to share tips and great products to my customers. So, I began my list and now I see how valuable it truly can be to cultivate a list I love. 

Now, I realize that when I email I am able to provide tons of value! As a bonus, my email list has led to making actual #bizfriends that I talk to and grow with. Emailing changed the game for me and my business. It’s also helped me create consistent passive income.

I can’t wait to see the results you’ll get from your list!

The nice things they say

Grow and create a list you love!

Don't miss this special Live training

Take your planner and printable business to the next level with Email

Sign up today and get access to the live training and lifetime access to the course! Join us for only $27 for this training.


Frequently asked questions

The pre-recorded training can be accessed on our platform.

You’ll get to join us on 5/17 at 8pm EST for the live training. It will be taped and then you will get forever access.

Yes, this live training will be turned into a full course. You get forever access to the training AND the upgraded course when it launches.

Definitely! If you can sign up for an email provider, then you can do this. You don’t need any special skills!

Yep! As long as you show up to the training or submit prior to taping. After that, you can always email me.

Our Mission

At Cherie La Vie Designs we strive to help you make every day a slice of your best life with physical & digital planners. Are you a business owner? Check out our templates to help you make gorgeous materials for your business.

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